To the left is the Lintel at Chiapas. To the right is my sculpture. It gave me an opportunity to talk about an issue related to the war in Iraq for which I found I had deep feelings. In the Lintel, Lady Xoc is presenting her husband Shield Jaguar (the ruler) with armor with which to go into battle. I thought of the families sending body armor to their children fighting in Iraq because our government wasn't providing them with proper equipment. It was difficult for me to imagine the pain that would result from this act of preparing a loved one to go into war and the feelings that would stir in that husband or wife, son or daughter, brother or sister who received that gift. |
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If the skeleton was going to reach into the box, his body had to be in relief on the door. I suppose he could have been three dimensional and completely separate from the box, but somehow integrating the skeleton and the box was really appealing and I wanted to continue the relief that had already begun on the back of the box. The difficulty came in protecting the flower and leaf imagery while adding the bones to the surface. Sculpt a little...fix a little...sculpt a little...fix a little. Not so much fun.
The sculpture started with a doodle based on the tradition of the Peruvian retablo. Retablos are decorative boxes with doors that open and close. They are painted with flowers and leaf forms and house scenes of daily life or religious events. The Mexican retablo is likely to depict the skeletons from Day of the Dead. I knew I wanted to talk about death and I chose to speak in the format of the retablo. There is en element of joy about them that can't be denied. I wanted the skeleton (death) outside the box, watching or reaching in. But I had no idea what he was watching or reaching for. I knew that if I started to build, eventually that part would come to me. Thank you for visiting F.E. Young Sculpture. I'm very excited to have it up and running and look forward to your comments and questions (if you have any). Email to [email protected]. As I built this sculpture (one of the Latin American pieces) I photographed it day by day to post on the blog and talk about the process of producing such a work. I wanted to blog about it in real time but was concerned about the problems that might arise...and they certainly did. So we'll be back tracking to the beginning in my next post. I hope you find it interesting.
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